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HFRCC Website Help

This is intended as a guide specifically for the Hamburg Flyers Radio Control Club website. Club members and registered forum users are encouraged to read this document in its entirety.


All links open in new tabs/windows. This should make it possible to keep this page open and use it as a guide during the registration and configuration process.


For more general help topics about the forum, visit the Help link in the top menu.





Registering on this forum signs you up for newsletters, allows you to post in the general discussion forum, and gives access to your own personal photo gallery. You can also request additional access to create events on the calendar, and, if you are a Hamburg Flyers RC Club member, you will receive additional club e-mails and have access to a members-only section of the forum.


Unfortunately, due to large numbers of attempted registrations by forum spammers, we have been forced to disable manual registration.


If you have a Google or Facebook account, you can register automatically by clicking the Login link. Then select FaceBook or Google+ by clicking on the icon. You may be prompted to login to Google or FaceBook if you aren't already logged in.


Then you will be asked to allow the HFRCC website to access your e-mail address and basic profile information. This only occurs once, during the creation of your account.


If you don't wish to use Google or Facebook registration, you'll need to send an e-mail to hamburgflyers@gmail.com to request an account.



Editing Your Account Settings and Forum Profile


The first thing you'll want to do after registering is review your forum profile, and make any desired changes.


To do this, click on Profile->Account Settings from the top menu, or click Profile on the top menu, then Modify Profile->Account Settings from the menu above your profile summary. Or just use this link: Edit Your Account Settings


Make sure that 'Name' appears as you want it to on the forum. If you want your name to appear differently than the way it was imported from your social network during automatic registration, here is your chance to change it.


You don't have to use your full name, or even your real name. If you want to use a name from another forum that people will recognize, or a nickname that everyone knows you by, that's just fine.


NOTE: the way that the system is configured makes the checkbox 'Allow users to email me' irrelevant. Non-admin users simply cannot send e-mail through our system. Personal messages are the way to go for direct communication with another forum user.


The information in your forum profile customizes the way your posts appear to other users. To edit your forum profile, select Profile->Forum Profile on the top menu, or click Profile from the top menu, then Modify Profile->Forum Profile. Or use this link: Edit Your Forum Profile


You can set a new avatar picture by uploading one, or specifying it by URL (and it will be automatically downloaded). The image will be automatically resized to 65x65 pixels.


A few things to know:

  • 'Personal Text' will appear on your forum posts, underneath your avatar picture.
  • For birthdate, you can fill in only the month and day, leaving the year as 0000. The forum will still recognize and announce your birthday, but your age will remain a secret.
  • If you put anything in the 'Location' field, it will be shown on all of your forum posts.

The fields below 'Signature' are special in that they are only visible to Hamburg Flyers Radio Control Club members. Because regular forum members and visitors can't access the member list or view profiles, they can not see these fields.



Posting Events on the Calendar


If you are an event organizer for another club, you can request membership in the 'Event Organizer' group on the forum. This group allows you to post your event on the calendar, with a corresponding topic in the Event Announcement section.


Forum topics about an event can contain images, links, YouTube videos, polls, and file attachments. Registered forum members can also post feedback (unless the owner chooses to lock the thread). The forum thread linked to an event is reachable directly from the home page, by clicking on the event name in the Upcoming Events block. The event names on the large calendar view are also links back to the forum thread.


'Event Organizer' status is handled the same way club member status is, except that it is open to all registered forum users, not just Hamburg Flyers RC Club members. Of course, not everyone will be immediately approved. But if you are a legitimate representative of another aeromodeling club or aviation-related organization, we would love to have you advertise your events on our calendar.


Request membership in the 'Event Organizer' group by selecting Profile from the top menu, then Modify Profile->Group Membership, or use this link: Edit Group Membership


Locate the 'Event Organizer' group in the 'Available Group' list and click the Request Membership link on the right hand side of the list item. Please leave some information in the 'Reason' field so we can evaluate your request. It certainly wouldn't hurt to supply some contact info, should we have any questions.


Once you are approved as an event organizer, you'll have a Post Event option on your calendar menu, and when you view the calendar, every day will be a link to post an event on that day.



The Member Menu


The Member Menu appears above the Main Menu when you are a Club Member or Event Organizer. It will have options available to you based on your group memberships. For most club members, there will only be 'View the Member List' and 'Chat Room' on the menu. Those with Event Organizer status will see a 'Post Calendar Event' option. And club members with the proper permissions will see a 'Send Newsletter' option as well.



Viewing the Member List


The site's member list is only viewable by Hamburg Flyers RC Club members. This is to protect contact data that club members might share with other members via their forum profile.


Since all club members have their 'Position' listed as 'Club _______', you can simply search for positions with 'club' in them to find all HFRCC members. Remember that if you see e-mail icons on the memberlist, they will not work (unless your e-mail address is hamburgflyers@gmail.com).


To view the memberlist, simply select Members->View the Memberlist from the top menu. You can also find it in the Member Menu, or use this link: View the Memberlist. You can ciick on a member's name to view their profile.



The Photo Gallery


The photo gallery is sure to become many people's favorite feature of this website. To access the photo gallery, just click on the Gallery link in the page top menu.


Every registered forum user gets the ability to post photos into the main public photo galleries (provided that the gallery is not locked or restricted). In addition to that, everyone gets their own personal gallery, which can contain as many categories and photos as desired.


There is currently no limit on the total size of a user gallery. Photos of dimensions larger than 2500x2500 will be resized, photos larger than 5 megabytes will fail to upload. Regular forum users are limited to uploading one file at a time, while club members and event organizers are allowed to upload up to 10 files at a time.


There's a button on the top Gallery menu called 'MYGALLERY'. That's your personal gallery, obviously. On the right-hand side of your gallery's category list are links to edit and re-order your categories.


The bulk photo uploader works well, but doesn't give a lot of feedback when it's done. When no images show completion bars, it's finished. Press the 'back' button on your browser, and then press F5 to refresh the gallery page.


NOTE: Regular forum users will also have to wait for their uploaded photos to be approved by the site admins, even when uploading to their personal galleries. Please understand that this is to eliminate the potential for abuse of the photo gallery system. 


As with forum registration, photo approvals should be handled almost immediately. But please wait at least 24 hours before contacting an admin should your photos not appear in your gallery as expected



The Chat Room


The chat room is accessible to Hamburg Flyers R/C Club members and Event Organizers. Regular forum users are not able to use the chat room at this time.


Because the chat room uses its own authentication database, you'll need to register when you first connect. Select the 'Register Yourself' link and type your username and password. Spaces are not allowed in the username, so either skip them or use hyphens or underscores instead. There is no double-entry when setting your initial password, so type _very carefully_!


The chat room can be opened in a seperate window either before or after logging in. Just click on the link that appears under the chat room. This is a must when using a phone or tablet.


If you forget your chat room password, it is possible to reset it. Send a PM to the forum admin with your chosen chat room username.



Updates and Corrections


This page will be updated periodically, so check back once in a while to see if there is anything new.


If you notice anything requiring correction, please send a PM to the site admin , or e-mail hamburgflyers@gmail.com



Last updated: 10-26-2016 10:54PM


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